Cernunnos! and Daath in Major Accident

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Post by metaladina » Mon November 29th, 2004, 8:51 pm

Atlanta, GA - On Saturday night around 6:30PM a speeding red car and slick roads caused Adina (of Cernunnos!) to swerve and ultimately hit a concrete wall on I-75 South. As a further result of slick roads, several cars had piled up nearby, slamming one by one into the back of the car in front of them. Among the cars in the pileup were singer of Daath Mike Cameron who was hit from behind.

In this ever growing city of ours, it is a force of nature, if nothing else, to "run into" someone you know in a car accident, especially when it's a good friend and brother in the metal scene. As I got out of my car, severly burned by the airbag and distraught by the impact of the accident, I swaggered along the side of the freeway toward the cars in the pileup. To my relief and astonishment (his too), I recognized Mike and he recognized me.

As those involved in the pileup were wandering around asking questions, one individual came up to Adina and asked if she was "high." "Are you high? You look high," he said. Mike immediately interjected, "no, dude, she doesn't do that." Mike also had to defend himself against the same allegation when the same jerk-off asked if he was high.

While the police collected stories, issued tickets, and organized an ambulance, Mike stood with me and made sure I was okay and had a safe way to where I was going.

To end this story, Adina's car was totalled and Mike was still able to drive his even though the back end was very badly damaged and his back windshield shattered everywhere. Adina suffered severe facial abrasions and bruises as well as bruises on her arm and leg. Mike incurred a bruised neck.

Just wanted to say thanks to Mike for sticking it out with me and f&*%-off to the Atlanta police for giving me ticket I didn't deserve.


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Post by Greg » Mon November 29th, 2004, 9:02 pm

Greg read this topic and Greg is sorry to hear about the unfortunate accident.

At least you're all still alive. :)

And out of curiosity... what was playing in your car when it happened? I can clearly remember what was playing in the two accidents I've been in... the first one was Pantera - Use My Third Arm, the second one was Emperor - Depraved.

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Post by metaladina » Mon November 29th, 2004, 9:10 pm

'ails Greg,
Ancient - Svartalvheim was playing.

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Post by BlazeTSU » Fri December 3rd, 2004, 9:32 pm

that sucks, but i'm glad that both of you were ok.

i smell another thread spawning from this one!!!

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Post by dumpVokillist » Thu December 9th, 2004, 1:14 pm

hahahaha that is comedy

i must have missed it on CNN

unfortunately, both bands are still together :m1c:

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car crashes...

Post by VibrationsOfDoom » Fri March 11th, 2005, 10:32 pm

Well, when I was flipped upside down in a ditch on GA 400, I was listening to WASP "Kill, Fuck Die" I think... When my car skidded off the road on I-85 and landed (safely) on the side, 6 inches from the nearest tree and 4 feet from the guardrail (not to mention on the other side of the tree was a 30 foot drop) I was listening to Primordial. Damn trucker ran me off the road in the rain and thought he killed me. He never stopped his truck or looked back... Hope that f'er died a horrible and bloody, violent death,.

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Post by DarkWolfen » Wed March 16th, 2005, 7:56 pm

Steve, if you had died would Hallow's Eve be at your funeral?

I could see the headlines...

"Atlanta's Own Metal Band, Hallow's Eve Reunites At Enemy's Funeral." :twisted: :mrgreen:

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Post by VibrationsOfDoom » Sat April 30th, 2005, 10:03 pm

Damn, I didn't read this response... As to your question, I dunno if they would be or not... I guess I wouldn't care since I'd be dead and probably wouldn't know anyway... I suspect they probably wouldn't care one way or the other...

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My lawyer forced me to say this...

Post by VibrationsOfDoom » Wed May 4th, 2005, 2:59 am

Under penalty of death by certain "overlords" of the metal scene, I am forced to apologize for any and all remarks concerning a certain Atlanta band who, once again under penalty of death, I am unallowed to even name. Thank you for your time...

Atlanta metal code of conduct, page 113, rule #46

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