Another Napolean Dynamite topic

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WREKage Staff
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Another Napolean Dynamite topic

Post by Greg » Thu January 20th, 2005, 8:55 pm

I know there was an old movies thread where this got mentioned a lot but I don't feel like finding it and bumping it.

I finally saw this movie Monday and really liked it. It was definitely funny, but not so much laugh out loud funny as it was finding pieces of yourself in all the characters and laughing at yourself. I was laughing at how dumb I was in high school by remembering all the dumb sayings and random ways I found to waste my time just like everyone in this movie does.

This movie perfectly captures all the awkwardness of high school in one 90 minute nutshell.


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Jane Doe
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Post by Jane Doe » Sat January 22nd, 2005, 5:06 pm

That movie was so cool.

I got kind of sick of it when everybody at my school started to repeat the sayings in the movie.

Damn children :x

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E.J. Diarrheaspray
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Post by E.J. Diarrheaspray » Sat February 12th, 2005, 5:35 am

I like how when you watch the DVD with the commentary on, they mention a skunk running around the chicken coop...and I still don't see it. It's like they lied about it and tried to trick us all. Has anyone seen this skunk?

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