Going Away Shinding (Sergio "Cheko" Punk) @ Highla

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Going Away Shinding (Sergio "Cheko" Punk) @ Highla

Post by lsaldana » Mon November 18th, 2013, 6:52 pm


If you don't know him by his name you certainly know him by having being hit in the face with one of his jacket spikes or having shared a beer over some drunken Spanglish at a show.

Short Story: Sergio, aka Cheko Punk (check Mad Max guy on the flyer), is leaving for Mexico very soon and staying there indefinitely.

Therefore, we are hoping that people will come out and share a beer with him as we bid him farewell next Saturday (11/30) at The Highlander, starting around 9 p.m. Cheko would surely appreciate the gesture.

Also, it'll be a good chance to see a bunch of you that I haven't seen since I moved.


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