Wayfarer, Falls of Rauros, Obsolescence, Tómarúm - 7/27 at 529

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Wayfarer, Falls of Rauros, Obsolescence, Tómarúm - 7/27 at 529

Post by kwalburn » Tue July 16th, 2019, 8:04 pm

Saturday July 27th at 529:

Wayfarer (Colorado) - Atmospheric black/folk metal
Falls of Rauros (Maine) - Progressive black/folk metal
Obsolescence (Atlanta) - Progressive local metalheads
Tómarúm (Atlanta) - Local progressive black metal

Doors at 9pm
$10 in advance
21+ only

A. Rippin' Production
Wayfarer and Falls of Rauros are two of my favorite bands so I'm pretty excited about this. Currently the last local show we have booked before we start recording an EP, and we're debuting a new song.

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