Hey Danny Ryann (Stalin Drummer)

This is the place to talk shit! its also where we flush the nonsense

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Hey Danny Ryann (Stalin Drummer)

Post by Azrael » Mon November 23rd, 2020, 8:28 am

I saw your post last night where you tagged me. I only use FB for band stuff and video game groups. Didn't see the post until about an hour ago.

Something about you deleting all your family because they support Trump, then you tagged me something about "he must have more shitty songs to write" then you started tagging Amos trying to bring him into it? haha what the hell man? He has me blocked still FYI haha. I just want you to know I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.

Anyway, I figure you were either
A: off your meds
B: wasted drunk and just wanted to fight or
C: you were serious

I figure if we're gonna have a conversation worthy of the Toilet, we can do it here like real trolls.

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Re: Hey Danny Ryann (Stalin Drummer)

Post by melkor » Mon November 23rd, 2020, 12:08 pm

stalindrummer hasn't logged on since 2010 but we can shit talk him anyway. or I can email him

something something, "no, he will not make out with you."
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Re: Hey Danny Ryann (Stalin Drummer)

Post by Brian » Mon November 23rd, 2020, 3:25 pm

Azrael wrote:
Mon November 23rd, 2020, 8:28 am

Anyway, I figure you were either
A: off your meds
B: wasted drunk and just wanted to fight or
C: you were serious
D: stalin denial that Azrael is the better drummer

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Re: Hey Danny Ryann (Stalin Drummer)

Post by Azrael » Mon November 23rd, 2020, 6:23 pm

maybe I'll get a reply in 10 years. I've got time.

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Re: Hey Danny Ryann (Stalin Drummer)

Post by Azrael » Fri October 29th, 2021, 7:02 pm

This was just a joke. I feel like Danny would have laughed and appreciated it. Literally no hard feelings.

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Re: Hey Danny Ryann (Stalin Drummer)

Post by Azrael » Fri March 4th, 2022, 12:22 pm

Blown away to find out that Danny has left this mortal coil. We always had a love / hate relationship but there was always mutual respect. He was a god damn amazing drummer. Better than me. I'm trully sad he's gone. I think it's oddly fitting that my last attempt at communicating with him was on The Toilet. there's a metaphor for our entire friendship in that. We always poked fun at each other.

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Re: Hey Danny Ryann (Stalin Drummer)

Post by melkor » Fri March 4th, 2022, 4:50 pm

RIP Danny...
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