What is your best WREKage story?

discuss the radio show WREKage

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Post by soulvoid » Fri September 3rd, 2004, 1:37 am

Here's mine:
One weekend for whatever reason I was hosting all by my lonesome. Well I was community staff, and I had worked in the sun ALL day prior to the show and was tired as hell at the begining of the show. I knew early on the show was only going to 3am. Well anyway we had ALOT of guest in the studio and as you all know sometimes it can be hard to keep track of ALL the guests. Well someone let this deranged woman in. She stayed long after everyone had left. But she wasn't in the studio or station at all. She had been hiding in the stairway for hours and I never knew. Anyhow come like 3am I powered the station down so I could begin my long drive home. As I am locking up this crazy drugged out of her mind woman runs into the station and LOCKS herself in the office. She then pushed the desk in front of the door and hid under it. Well as you know , you CAN'T leave with someone who isn't staff inside the building. So I franticaly looked everywhere for phone numbers of someone who might have keys to get this bitch out. I ended up calling Tech Police and they got in touch with the at the time Station Manager Faisel. He refuses to come down and the program directer was called. We ended up getting this bitch in the back of a squad car about 9am. So I finally was able to make my drive towards the house. Well I made it all the way to my exit and fell asleep at the wheel and went off the road and wrecked my truck. The funniest part I guess looking back was. I PAID THE TRUCK OFF THE FRIDAY OF THE SHOW.
and....This bitch turns out to have been a WREK staff member from the EARLY 80's . She was like in her 40's and completely tripping balls.

The only other storys are:
My cousin from IL came down and wanted to see what a radio show looked like. Thinking he would be cool I let him tag along. He was 17 at the time. Somehow or another my cousin lit fire to the dumpster outside the station and cops and fireman were there. It was nuts , needless to say I never allowed him back.

One More:
When Jesus and I were hosting we had a couple of strippers come down from some club (name slips) They were metal fans and decided they wanted to plug the club. So Jesus and I both being drunk off of Pabst Blue Ribbon from the vending machine, jokingly said , We will only allow you a plug for free if ya blow the both of us. Needless to say I got blown for like 20 minutes while talking over the air at some points. Just one of those fucked up things that happened. I ain't proud to have been blown by a stripper but it was none the less funny as hell at the time.

What's your storys?

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