Halloween Show?

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Post by Brian » Fri October 23rd, 2009, 10:36 am

eh fuck it, here are some songs you can expect to hear from my segment:

Possessed - The Exorcist (creepy as hell intro, very Halloween-ish, and it's the first song off the first death metal album ever. appropriate.)
King Diamond - Halloween
Tankard - Zombie Attack
Acid Witch - not sure which song, something off of Witchtanic Hellucinations though.
Repulsion - Maggots in Your Coffin

that's all for now, I'm at work and can't think of the rest.

More suggestions would be totally sweet!!!!!!!!

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Post by VOEGTLIN » Fri October 23rd, 2009, 11:16 am

Misfits, Halloween
Samhain, Halloween II
Halloween, Trick or Treat
Hallows Eve, Lethal Tendencies
Slayer, Black Magic
Slayer, Captor of Sin
Venom, Buried Alive
Mercyful Fate, Night of the Unborn
Mercyful Fate, Into the Coven
King Diamond, The Candle
Black Sabbath, Walpurgis (War Pigs)
Chaos wrote: hell satan
ScreamBloodyGore wrote:Not many people know this, but other bands play, Manowar kills.

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Post by VOEGTLIN » Fri October 23rd, 2009, 11:18 am

Brian wrote: Possessed - The Exorcist (creepy as hell intro, very Halloween-ish, and it's the first song off the first death metal album ever. appropriate.)
The intro is Mike Oldfield's "Tubular Bells," which was the "theme music" in The Exorcist. Totally creepy. I don't think that was his intent. Ha ha. Killer record through and through.
Chaos wrote: hell satan
ScreamBloodyGore wrote:Not many people know this, but other bands play, Manowar kills.

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Post by Ryan » Sun October 25th, 2009, 10:20 am

Brian wrote: Acid Witch - not sure which song, something off of Witchtanic Hellucinations though.
Repulsion - Maggots in Your Coffin
fuck yes! play either the title track or into the cave, love me some acid witch and repulsion is my all time favorite grind band
<a href="http://spewtilator.bandcamp.com">SPEWTILATOR</a> - Badass motherfuckin' street cops with nothing to lose who don't play by the rules and are out for blood.
Tricalibur wrote:I am looking for Skullcrusher and Dynamo.

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Post by WREKage-Paul » Sun October 25th, 2009, 4:46 pm

Brian wrote:
DeathfareDevil wrote: Pretty much anything by Deceased. Now that I think about it, I can't remember ever hearing Deceased on WREKage. Rectify!
I've played them!
I'm pretty sure Mitch did a few times, also.

Playlists: 2 results.
•Deceased - Robotic Village
Playlist 2009-03-14 Played by: Brian
•Deceased - Futuristic Doom
Playlist 2007-12-15 Played by: Brian

Q.E.D. :)

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Post by Jordan » Sun October 25th, 2009, 11:53 pm

Possessed - The Exorcist (creepy as hell intro, very Halloween-ish, and it's the first song off the first death metal album ever. appropriate.)
Absolute must for Halloween!

Also maybe some Children of Bodom or possibly White Zombie?
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Post by Metalfreak » Tue October 27th, 2009, 9:23 pm

here's another one:

Bloodbath - Outnumbering the Day

edit: I'll be working at Netherworld Friday night and prob won't get off till 2am...after that I'll tune in fo' sho'!
They had you do a drug test and the forgot to test for drugs???

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Post by DeathfareDevil » Thu October 29th, 2009, 12:02 am

WREKage-Paul wrote:
Brian wrote:
DeathfareDevil wrote: Pretty much anything by Deceased. Now that I think about it, I can't remember ever hearing Deceased on WREKage. Rectify!
I've played them!
I'm pretty sure Mitch did a few times, also.

Playlists: 2 results.
&#8226;Deceased - Robotic Village
Playlist 2009-03-14 Played by: Brian
&#8226;Deceased - Futuristic Doom
Playlist 2007-12-15 Played by: Brian

Q.E.D. :)
I may have missed a show here and there in the twenty or so years I've been listening. :P

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Post by Brian » Thu October 29th, 2009, 9:21 am

DeathfareDevil wrote:
WREKage-Paul wrote:
Brian wrote:
DeathfareDevil wrote: Pretty much anything by Deceased. Now that I think about it, I can't remember ever hearing Deceased on WREKage. Rectify!
I've played them!
I'm pretty sure Mitch did a few times, also.

Playlists: 2 results.
•Deceased - Robotic Village
Playlist 2009-03-14 Played by: Brian
•Deceased - Futuristic Doom
Playlist 2007-12-15 Played by: Brian

Q.E.D. :)
I may have missed a show here and there in the twenty or so years I've been listening. :P
As long as you don't miss tomorrow night's, you're forgiven!

I might be loading myself up with energy drinks and junk food and go past the 6am mark...

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Post by Brian » Thu October 29th, 2009, 9:23 pm

Just finished assembling my playlist.

72 songs :)

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Post by VOEGTLIN » Thu October 29th, 2009, 9:36 pm

!!!! :shock:
Chaos wrote: hell satan
ScreamBloodyGore wrote:Not many people know this, but other bands play, Manowar kills.

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Post by DeathfareDevil » Sat October 31st, 2009, 2:03 am

Three A.M. and so far so good. Since my schedule tomorrow is pretty open, I'll try to stick around for the long haul. Plus, this music is a good soundtrack for the hilariously awful "mad scientist transforms himself into a sea creature by putting on a rubber suit" movie on Turner Classic Movies, something called Zaat.

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Post by Brian » Sat October 31st, 2009, 2:08 am

ahaha, I'm actually gonna cut it short I think. Forgot that I had to register for class tomorrow. I'll try to keep going for another 30 minutes or so though.

Deceased is coming up soon btw.

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Post by Diana » Sat October 31st, 2009, 9:37 am

DeathfareDevil wrote:something called Zaat.
Thank you for this. Three different titles and Netflix doesn't have any of them, but it's lodged somewhere in MST3K's catalog so I'll see it eventually. Bless you.

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Post by WREKage-Paul » Sun November 1st, 2009, 1:54 pm

It was a fun show, even if I forgot to bring down a certain Helloween CD.

I was glad Brian was there for the (longer) haul, since I wasn't feeling 100% after a medical procedure on Thursday.

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