Homicidal's Upcoming Split LP and New Material

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Homicidal's Upcoming Split LP and New Material

Post by homicidaltayler » Mon September 24th, 2012, 9:39 pm

Homicidal is currently working on a split LP with local metal band American Lesion. The name of the album is called "American Homicide". This will feature some of the angriest, most violent, and disgusting material yet. This album will focus a lot on world issues going on now. Secondly, Homicidal would like to announce there is new songs being worked on to prove to the local metal scene that we are NOT a joke. We've had our new drummer, Brian Holmes, for going on 4 months now, and we are stronger than ever. When we start doing more Atlanta based shows, PREPARE. In the mean time, if all of you could, please support Homicidal. Peace!
- Tayler

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