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The Warehouse is still open.

Post by TheKshatriya » Sat June 19th, 2010, 7:59 pm

But everyone needs to stop littering up the fucking street and loading area. Pick up your trash and dont be a dick to people in the building. After every show we have to pick up all of the trash outside people dont throw away and its stupid we have this place specifically to have shows and people cant not be idiots.

All the shows we have booked are happening, but were not doing anything after September at 585.

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Post by afuneraloffire89 » Sat June 19th, 2010, 10:36 pm

Dude! WTF. The warehouse cant shut down.

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Post by Generubin » Sun June 20th, 2010, 1:22 am

That is some serious bullshit. There is no venue like the 585 and even though I live too far away I love driving the distance that I do to come to these shows. I don't want to stop coming to this venue because a couple of assholes are too lazy to walk 10 feet to put a beer bottle in a trash can.

I don't really want to but if it is going to make any difference I will start helping out with shit that other people are too lazy to do

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Post by Metalfreak » Sun June 20th, 2010, 11:59 am

Oh wow that sucks. I haven't been yet so it wasn't me!
They had you do a drug test and the forgot to test for drugs???

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Post by ScreamBloodyGore » Sun June 20th, 2010, 3:32 pm

Wait, isn't this the venue in which the throwing of trash cans is encouraged?

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Post by Generubin » Sun June 20th, 2010, 4:00 pm

ScreamBloodyGore wrote:Wait, isn't this the venue in which the throwing of trash cans is encouraged?
Only because there is never anything in them :lol: :lol:

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Post by ScreamBloodyGore » Sun June 20th, 2010, 4:05 pm

show wut i no


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Post by lsaldana » Sun June 20th, 2010, 6:17 pm

I didn't know you guys were planning to shut down after september, this is truly bad news. For those who haven't been, the warehouse is a haven for all kinds of fucked up people; some of the craziest shows I've been to have hapenned there. I keep my trash in the bins inside, but I do enjoy the usual trash can moshpit.

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Post by Ryan » Mon June 21st, 2010, 7:39 am

bummer. atlanta's scene will suck again.
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Post by MaleficSounds » Mon June 21st, 2010, 9:33 am

That venue is a great place, and of course there's always one asshole trying to fuck up the situation. It always happens, and it pisses me off that some people just don't give a shit about others. Throwing your trash on the ground is fucking sad, their probably the same people tossing trash out the window in a car. It blows my mind how many people acually do that. They all know who they are too. Little tree will be the only venue for bands that I know of now. They are doing a great job over there especially with the new PA gear. I hope no one acts stupid enough to fuck that one up too. Luckily there its a close nit friend situation and 2 dudes over 6 feet who will kick the shit out of you if you are stupid (Shane and Justin) hahaha. I always try to stay and help clean shit up and just being part of that I have grown to hate the shit bags who just litter all over the place. All I'm saying is quit FUCKING SHIT UP FOR EVERYONE!!!!!

ahhhhhhhhh needed to get that out :)

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Post by Azrael » Mon June 21st, 2010, 12:25 pm

I hate that there may be no more shows, that's really lame. At the same time, it's lame how 585 was always a no rules, DIY venue, now all off a sudden you guys make an about face when some trouble comes. Now the kids that litter are assholes, not just kids having a good time.

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Post by Ryan » Mon June 21st, 2010, 5:21 pm

Ah but i think theres a line that needs not be crossed. Sure there are very few "rules" when it comes to 585 but i think the major one is respect the space (ie. not leaving trash all over the place and not being rude to the other tenants in the building). If people want the space to stay open they need to respect it and do what they can to help out... even if it's just throwing your trash in a trash can or the dumpster outside. It's not too much to ask.

You wouldn't throw trash on the floor at your Mom's house... why would you do it there? Really glad stupid fuckers are going to cause the best venue in atlanta to shut down. Expect a lot less Spew shows after september.
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Tricalibur wrote:I am looking for Skullcrusher and Dynamo.

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Post by Matt » Mon June 21st, 2010, 9:03 pm

Metalfreak wrote:Oh wow that sucks. I haven't been yet so it wasn't me!
your church was turned into an abortion clinic and we use it all the time... sluts!!!

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Post by TheKshatriya » Mon June 21st, 2010, 10:10 pm

The littering isnt what is a big deal. It sucks because after every show me and a few others have to go pick up every piece of trash but thats out front, but thats not even a huge deal. And everything isnt all of the sudden. We try to take care of things without making a big deal of anything.

Its people trying to fight the other tenants in the building for no reason and other issues with money. Just because we have this space for people to have shows at doesnt mean we run a place that has profit. We have to pay money out of our pockets each month and its still not enough. Im not asking anyone to give us money or do anything but if people really cared they could help out, no matter how big or small.

I dont drink or do drugs but im open for people to do whatever, and theres no other place in the city that will let kids have fun like we do, and no one has ever gotten hurt over it because most people know how to control themselves. Fights happen but we take care of it ourselves and dont need security or police. The spot is able to be taken over by anyone who feels like they want to do it.

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Post by Azrael » Tue June 22nd, 2010, 2:41 am

TheKshatriya wrote:The spot is able to be taken over by anyone who feels like they want to do it.
This implies that you all are walking away from the place. Is that what's happening? Or is it a forced removal?

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