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Post by MS_39455 » Thu July 18th, 2013, 11:57 am

Knucklehead wrote:Resurrection.

My main rig for listening to music is:
  • - Technics SL1200MKII from 1981. Snagged on eBay. Came from a radio station in Iowa. A friend freakin' gave me a Shure V-15VxM. I also have a Denon 103 that I haven't tried, yet.
    - NAD 1020 preamp. Definintely the weak link. I'm looking to replace it.
    - JoLida 302b. A used, "cheap" Chinese tube amp with awesome sound.
    - Klipsch KG4's.
The reason for the resurrection: does anyone have suggestions on where to get speakers re-coned? I have a pair of bookshelf speakers that I bought back in '89, which I refoamed myself. But reconing is more than I want to take on.
Pretty sure Audio Exchange on Ellsworth Industrial does vintage speaker reconing. Never used them myself, but know other folks that have had top grade old hi-fi gear repaired by those guys.

So you like that JoLida? You running the stock tubes (Electro Harmonix I think) and is this a variable bias amp? DIYers seem to love this model. I hear nothing but good things about it. Been toying around with buying a push-pull kit for years, but always wimped out when I started reading the schematics. JoLida is sounding more and more like a realistic option.

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Post by Knucklehead » Thu July 18th, 2013, 7:26 pm

Yes! I am running the stock tubes: 6 JoLida's and 2 Electro Harmonix. I am guessing that I will swap those out at some point. It is variable bias. There is a little pot for each of the power tubes that you can adjust with a screwdriver. The tweaking is endless with this stuff.

I still haven't got the sound to where I want it, and I think that is probably because the NAD had been sitting in my friend's garage for about 6 years. A mud dauber had built a nest in the headphone jack, you see.... I cleaned it up, but it still ain't quite right. I want to get the JoLida JD9, which is their phono pre amp. I saw a used one go for pretty cheap on eBay a couple of weeks back and I'm kicking myself that I didn't bid just a tad more aggressively. There is a 50-page thread dedicated to this particular unit over at AudioKarma. The JD92 is way out of my price range, but there are still a few initial models that pop up every once in awhile.

Thanks for the heads-up on the repair shop. I'll have to check it out.

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Post by Brian » Fri July 19th, 2013, 6:00 pm

Just scored the test pressing for CULTES DES GHOULES - HENBANE limited to 5. Happy early birthday to me.

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Post by Knucklehead » Fri July 19th, 2013, 8:49 pm

Jaysus. I don't even want to know how much that cost.

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Post by Brian » Sat July 20th, 2013, 5:43 am

A whole lot less than you'd think!

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Post by Moloc » Thu October 30th, 2014, 12:02 pm

I just bought, for $50, a cartridge for a Yamaha P-550 turntable on loan indefinitely from a friend. I have three other turntables, but two are at the radio station and one is now giving off some weird hum when I turn up the volume even slightly. I'm hoping this one will work better.

I also am going to buy, for $30, a Harman Kardon receiver from another friend who goes to too many thrift shops and Goodwills and just buys whatever they have. His wife wants him to get rid of all this extra vintage stereo equipment, so I'm helping him out.

I'd like to get some powerful speakers to go with what I already have. I do have an extremely loud PA system, but I'd rather have something non-mono to listen to. I think it's more loud than good sounding, to tell the truth. It's good for parties and sitting outdoors by the fire, but it's not a real stereo system.

So--speakers--does anyone have any recommendations? Pioneer? Polk Audio? Etc.? I also want to waltz into a thrift store and score something cheap but reasonably good.

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Post by MS_39455 » Thu October 30th, 2014, 10:02 pm

The unending speaker choice. I'm still running a pair of Radio Shack grade Sony 6.5" 2-ways and a pair of Sony 4" mid-ranges that sound pretty excellent through my old JVC receiver and equally grandpa BSR equalizer. If money was no object I'd probably go in for a nice pair of Bowers & Wilkins of comparable size. Reasonably priced for what they are, immaculately clear sound, and not so over the fucking top as to miss reaching their full potential due to my old so-so gear not being able to push them super hard and clean. Any top shelf brand at a big box store really is the next best thing in my opinion. Paperless construction, a big ass magnet, good crossover, and nice rigid chassis that's not going to do anything weird during peak moments is all I'd be looking for. I feel like a $2000 pair of boutique speakers are only limited by what's driving them.

In case you haven't looked already...I feel like there's a discrete bargain to be had on Craigslist with surprising regularity. Seen some amazing dead guy sales lately that I would have jumped on if I had some money to burn. What's the Harmon Kardon you picked up? And does your friend have any other gear he's getting rid of (as if I need more)?

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Post by Moloc » Fri October 31st, 2014, 10:09 am

I sure don't have 2000 clams the throw around unfortunately.

Deplonty tipped me off to a pair of free speakers in his neighborhood, so I'm going to snag those (if they're not gone already) and see how they sound. If they sound like crap, I'll just chuck 'em. Hell, they're free!

I haven't bought the Harmon Kardon yet. I'm going to this afternoon, I think, if I have time. It's nothing spectacular since he's letting it go for $30.

I'll ask my buddy if he's trying to get rid of anything else (I know his wife is!).

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Post by Thrashmania » Fri October 31st, 2014, 12:54 pm

Moloc wrote:If they sound like crap, I'll just chuck 'em. Hell, they're free!
Chuck 'em to me if that is the case...and anything else related that you are going to throw away, feel free to chuck that this way too. :P

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Post by Moloc » Fri October 31st, 2014, 3:14 pm

Oh I'm not throwing these away! They sound great! AND the needle for the turntable just arrived AND I got the receiver. I'm a happy boy.

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Post by Moloc » Sat November 8th, 2014, 10:50 am

MS_39455 wrote:What's the Harmon Kardon you picked up? And does your friend have any other gear he's getting rid of (as if I need more)?

It's an hk350i. And I could tell my buddy was reluctant to part with it. He has gear he doesn't need, but he's like you and wants to hold on to it. It's his wife that wants him to get rid of the stuff.[/code]

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Post by Moloc » Wed December 9th, 2015, 8:51 pm

RE: conversation at DRI the other night between Melkor, Knuck, Sam and myself regarding my turntable issues.

Apparently, I'm sad to report, it indeed was human error. :roll:

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Post by melkor » Wed December 9th, 2015, 9:34 pm

it wasn't feline error?
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Post by Moloc » Thu December 10th, 2015, 6:30 am

Pathetically enough, no.

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Post by Knucklehead » Thu December 10th, 2015, 7:15 am

Saves you some money, though.

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