Cradle of Filth et al. at the Masquerade

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Post by WREKage-Paul » Tue November 16th, 2004, 5:53 am

Saw a lot of familiar faces at this show, including a few folks who had been at the Masquerade the previous night for the Cruxshadows (a goth band). :o

Gotta say thanks to Cradle of Filth and their management people for working well with WREKage-Daniel and setting up the after-show meet-n-greet, and thanks to all the bands for great Tim put it, "Everyone brought something to the table." My only regret was that CoF played a relatively short set...but they did not cut their set short, as everyone was thinking; according to Daniel's copy of the set-times, they were always planning to play for an hour and fifteen minutes. In that heat, I couldn't blame them if they HAD cut the set short from exhaustion. A lot of kids near me had to get pulled out by the security guys because they'd passed out, or were about to.

The show did NOT sell out, BTW, but came within about 20 tickets of doing so. Which is kinda cool, since it might as well have been a sell-out, but no-one had to get turned away.

Here are the pics....taken mostly from right in front by the barricade. WREKage's Daniel and Alex D. were also right in front, getting cooked, sauna'd and squished....but it was worth it!

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

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