Black Label Society played for the troops!

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Black Label Society played for the troops!

Post by Metalfreak » Thu January 29th, 2015, 11:25 pm

This was yesterday at Cannon AFB, NM...where I'm stationed! The USO put this on, mad props for them doing so. They played in one of our airplane hangars. Here's a bunch of pictures...they got to fly on one of our gunships too. Just thought I'd share this with y'all cause not all of you (*cough* Tommy *cough*) have I_LOVE_ZUCKERPENIS. Cause guns and metal, duh \m/

Me in the middle at the meet and greet:


Dimebag tribute:

At the end of the show:

That's a's a tilt-rotor aircraft. Has 50 cal guns on it.

This is the AC-130H. It's currently in the process of retiring. There's only a few left, the rest are at the boneyard. The guns are 40mm and 105mm.

Stepping to the AC-130W gunship:

Inside the AC-130W. No, I wasn't on this of my buddies was. Fuckin lucky asshole haha! Those rounds are 30mm.
They had you do a drug test and the forgot to test for drugs???

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Post by Diana » Fri January 30th, 2015, 6:54 am

That kicks ass. Thanks for noting all the ammo so I can work up a shopping list. Also I'm gonna need to borrow the CV-22, PLZ & THX.

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