What are the bands you just can't stand

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Post by Mike » Mon May 2nd, 2005, 1:13 pm

If my jokes aren't up to your standard then who fuckin cares what you think? Like i said, stoner I will continue to do them, if I am the only person laughing then that is more than a witless twit like yourself.
As for Dan being a race-mixer, ask him about the woman that wanted nothing to do with him named Bao. That he grovelled to get some attention from. Maybe he's not a race-mixer per-say but he is a race-trader. Yet if you looked like him, stepping outside of your race would be a just cause. :?

Maybe before I fag bash Paul, I will soon just get banned from this board.

You can get banned right? I hope so. :mrgreen:
This is awesome. I'm concerned about race mixing as well. That's why I follow the teachings of the Timecube. You should look into it as well; Dr. Gene Ray is a genius.
And, I would like to say that I am Upperclass Twit of the Year, despite having problems with the matchbox jump and shooting the rabbits tied to the ground.

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Post by Mike » Mon May 2nd, 2005, 1:17 pm

Nightwish, Therion, Dream Theatre, Rhapsody, Dragonforce. Basically the majority of power metal. Some of it I can enjoy the music, but the vocals still get to me. Avenged Sevenfold. They're annoying.

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Post by DarkWolfen » Mon May 2nd, 2005, 1:58 pm

Dragonforce & Nightwish are talentless, the lyrics and singing of the average Rhapsody song define cheesy. So many goddamn power metal bands sound all alike, I really don't have any idea how anyone likes more than like two or three of them. Dream Theatre has peaked and should now just quit. LaBrie could just go to teaching Buddhism and Portnoy can just open up a jude deli in Haifa selling Matza Balls. Because they aren't shit when it comes to music anymore. :mrgreen:
Mike wrote:Nightwish, Therion, Dream Theatre, Rhapsody, Dragonforce. Basically the majority of power metal. Some of it I can enjoy the music, but the vocals still get to me. Avenged Sevenfold. They're annoying.

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Post by VibrationsOfDoom » Wed May 4th, 2005, 2:37 am

Geez, you try and give your opinion and some people can't take it... No agenda here, just telling it like I see it... I've heard some Atlanta bands that weren't that good, but H.E. is the worst in my opinion...

>Goddamnit Steve, SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BITTER LITTLE TROLL!!!!!!! What the fuck is >wrong with you man?!?! GROW THE FUCK UP! Fuck... :::shakes head in disbelief:::

A post like this shows me who REALLY needs to grow up... Next time, maybe there shouldn't be a post like this since you can't obviously handle it... I wouldn't rejoin Hallows Eve even if they begged me to rejoin, OR if they paid me... So much for the 1st amendment around here... And Dan, your age is REALLY starting to show... I'm sure I'm not the first to have voiced this opinion either... Speaking of opinions.... Everyone has one... You know I'm sure the asshole joke...

Okay, well, other bands, or trends, I hate... What's with all this overusage of female vocals these days? I mean, some bands incorporate them well, like Draconian, but sometimes they distract from the task at hand... Black metal thatgoes for a more doom metal aspect I can see, but where do you draw the line? Synths in black metal too really need some analyzing, as some bands just use them to "play along" with the band. It's always been my opinion that synths in black metal should be very carefully done so as not to add a "cheese" element to the music...

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okay fine...

Post by VibrationsOfDoom » Wed May 4th, 2005, 2:56 am

Youknow what? Fuck-It... I really don't wanna make enemies or really, even discuss this... Seems like I'm not allowed to say anything about Hallows Eve without people assuming I have an agenda... Actually, it seems I'm not allowed to say ANYTHING where H.E. is concerned... Hey dan, you motherfucker, you dont have to listen to it!!! Oops, forgot my stance... Okay, "Dan, geez, I'm sorry buddy, I sure as hell hope I didn't offend ya, because surely we live in a country where someone can ask me a question and I don't have the right to answer..." I don't like H.E.'s music and I don't like certain people's attitudes... It's this damn infighting that is collectively killing the scene... Those that I don't like, they know who they are... I have a right to my opinion, and shit, I was trying to be as nice about it as I can possibly be...

Now if someone ELSE said the EXACT same thing I said, no one would make an issue out of it... If certain people will go back and RE-READ my original post, for christ's sake I TRIED to get into Hallows Eve!!! I listened to their live at WREK thing FIVE TIMES!!! FIVE MOTHER FUCKING TIMES!!! Doesn't that tell you I've been TRYING to put that shit behind me? And then you idiots go and make a post like that... I even said I liked one of the newer songs!!? You damn people just read what the fuck you want to read...

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Post by holly » Wed May 4th, 2005, 4:26 am


Steve - We really are all sick of hearing it, although Dan kinda snapped and I agree more on the side of BoB's opinion.

Dan - Although I agree with BoB, I LOLed at your response to Steve's post.

DarkWolfen, Scott, whoever the fuck you are today -
I could really give a fuck what you think about me.
The fact stands, however, that you sit at home and nit pick the shit out of a show whose music you apparently don't even listen to.
You come here and call us trashy, crazy, stoners, whatever, and yet it's plain to see that you're the most pathetic of all.

With that said, the racist comments and bringing up Bao were both completely uncalled for.
There is a difference between coming around to fuck with somebody and intentionally trying to offend or do damage.
Get over yourself and leave us the fuck alone, I'm sure there are plenty of other people on the internet for you to troll.
You are not welcome here.

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Post by BlazeTSU » Wed May 4th, 2005, 2:32 pm

DarkWolfen wrote:Dragonforce & Nightwish are talentless, the lyrics and singing of the average Rhapsody song define cheesy. So many goddamn power metal bands sound all alike, I really don't have any idea how anyone likes more than like two or three of them. Dream Theatre has peaked and should now just quit. LaBrie could just go to teaching Buddhism and Portnoy can just open up a jude deli in Haifa selling Matza Balls. Because they aren't shit when it comes to music anymore. :mrgreen:

i put this in the running for "most ignorant post of the week"

dragonforce talentless? thats just stupid........

dream theater aren't shit when it comes to music? thats even more stupid. i might not have all of dream theaters albums and listen to them daily, but those guys don't have the ability to suck musically!

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Post by Mike » Wed May 4th, 2005, 2:37 pm

BlazeTSU wrote:
DarkWolfen wrote:Dragonforce & Nightwish are talentless, the lyrics and singing of the average Rhapsody song define cheesy. So many goddamn power metal bands sound all alike, I really don't have any idea how anyone likes more than like two or three of them. Dream Theatre has peaked and should now just quit. LaBrie could just go to teaching Buddhism and Portnoy can just open up a jude deli in Haifa selling Matza Balls. Because they aren't shit when it comes to music anymore. :mrgreen:

i put this in the running for "most ignorant post of the week"

dragonforce talentless? thats just stupid........

dream theater aren't shit when it comes to music? thats even more stupid. i might not have all of dream theaters albums and listen to them daily, but those guys don't have the ability to suck musically!
Yeah even though i don't like them i can appreciate they are talented musicians. I mean come on Dream Theatre formed at Berklee.

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Re: thread deteriorating... must repair!

Post by BlazeTSU » Wed May 4th, 2005, 2:41 pm

bobnoxious wrote:I can't stand system of a down. if for no other reason than people calling them SOD. but the music happens to suck too. As far as high-low bands (one guy sings high, another sings low) my favorite was Terminal Doom back in the late 80s. A very cool, very funny band from Atlanta. They did high-low back when system of a down was doing Winger covers.

i actually like system of a down! i've liked them since their first album came out. i hate all other bands like them but they have a sense of doing what they want to and not caring what other bands are doing. their newest radio single has some regurgitated pop sensibility but if you listen to the lyrics its just making fun of pop culture and then it goes straight to some really good punk/metal stuff.

oh and darkwolfen, you can get banned from here but we prefer torture and violence for jackassness on the boards.

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Re: thread deteriorating... must repair!

Post by Mike » Wed May 4th, 2005, 2:46 pm

BlazeTSU wrote:
bobnoxious wrote:I can't stand system of a down. if for no other reason than people calling them SOD. but the music happens to suck too. As far as high-low bands (one guy sings high, another sings low) my favorite was Terminal Doom back in the late 80s. A very cool, very funny band from Atlanta. They did high-low back when system of a down was doing Winger covers.

i actually like system of a down! i've liked them since their first album came out. i hate all other bands like them but they have a sense of doing what they want to and not caring what other bands are doing. their newest radio single has some regurgitated pop sensibility but if you listen to the lyrics its just making fun of pop culture and then it goes straight to some really good punk/metal stuff.

oh and darkwolfen, you can get banned from here but we prefer torture and violence for jackassness on the boards.
Yeah the new System of a Down single is one of the most schizophrenic things I've ever heard. It goes from this pop stuff to double bass/blast beats, to thrash. It's all over the place. And I liked it :shock:
I'd have to hear more of the new album to decide.

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Post by Greg » Wed May 4th, 2005, 3:24 pm

SoaD is one of those bands that I don't mind hearing whenever they're playing in the background, but I'd never actually go get any of their stuff.

Like when I'm driving around and I hear a song of theirs on the radio I'll jam along with it until its over, but I'd never run home and download it or buy it or anything.

They're probably the closest thing to metal that's still on commercial radio around here unfortunately, now that I don't ever hear Tool played anymore.

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Post by Mike » Wed May 4th, 2005, 4:10 pm

Greg wrote:SoaD is one of those bands that I don't mind hearing whenever they're playing in the background, but I'd never actually go get any of their stuff.

Like when I'm driving around and I hear a song of theirs on the radio I'll jam along with it until its over, but I'd never run home and download it or buy it or anything.

They're probably the closest thing to metal that's still on commercial radio around here unfortunately, now that I don't ever hear Tool played anymore.
Agreed. That's exactly how I heard the song too. Didn't have any cds or ipod so I resorted to commercial radio ( because Weekend Cornucopia was on).

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Post by DarkWolfen » Wed May 4th, 2005, 11:04 pm

holly wrote:I could really give a fuck what you think about me..
If that was true then you wouldnt have responded. Maybe you haven't taken a page out of Dan's book yet. Because that little bitch hasn't said shit to me in months but I have had an active bashing tour for months on here. And he is doing everything he and Tim have been doing, maybe you should do that instead. Saves you some time, that is when you aren't whoring. :mrgreen:
holly wrote:The fact stands, however, that you sit at home and nit pick the shit out of a show whose music you apparently don't even listen to.
You come here and call us trashy, crazy, stoners, whatever, and yet it's plain to see that you're the most pathetic of all.
Yeah you are right for once, I don't listen to the show and I don't listen to all that repetitive metal that all ends up sounding the same. Hardly any of those styles are that new, just all washed up bullshit that they slap a new name on it. I have been listening to and archiving the show since 1993 on and off, sometimes more on than off, hell I possess 914 tapes of the show, collected over the years. You know I didn't call anyone crazy I don't believe, but Tim wasn't shy about telling me what I was, it was surprising at first. But then I thought, man that dude is living with about 4 other males and he admires Rob Halford wow and he is calling me as crazy as the Nocturnal Dishwasher? He lives with an active chickenhawk queer Paul Cashman, who is he calling crazy anyway? The has been this radical opinion that I send emails to the hosts when I don't like a song that the station plays. I don't remember sending any email about any fuckin song, yes I did call the station when one of those apes didn't put on the right song or played power games when it came to requests, sure. That was always a laugh, you would call up the station and say something bout a request and no matter what bozo they had on the air, they would jump and say, "oh god, we will put it on as soon as we can," :lol: it was the DarkWolfen power hour. They never asked themselves, what would be the worst thing that would happen if they didn't play one of those 6 bands I always request? Yet the apes were always there to make, make-up requests. :lol: If you want to talk pathetic, that's fuckin pathetic.
holly wrote:With that said, the racist comments and bringing up Bao were both completely uncalled for.
There is a difference between coming around to fuck with somebody and intentionally trying to offend or do damage.
Get over yourself and leave us the fuck alone, I'm sure there are plenty of other people on the internet for you to troll.
You are not welcome here.
Funny, a few months back when you and Dan were at each other's throats for the power of the show, you didn't refuse a conversation of Dan's did you? You readily said, "Send it!" You loved the idea of seeing the inner world of his and use it for your own power. You wewre trying to find another reason to hate him and call him your special word for people you can't wrap your ego around, "crazy." You wanted a conversation when you weren't here when he was bashing you saying that you didn't even go to the concerts and didn't like or know any of the bands that come to Atlanta.

Realistically Holly, I grow tired of sharpening icepicks for each other on this forum. If I am not welcome to "troll" (tell the truth) then that is in BoB's hands then, because I'm done here. Oh and BoB I haven't insulted you unless by default with these other goons.

Oh and by the way, since I put your pictures up in my garden, there hasn't been a single crow, so its working, thanks! :mrgreen:

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Post by holly » Wed May 4th, 2005, 11:56 pm

DarkWolfen wrote:Funny, a few months back when you and Dan were at each other's throats for the power of the show, you didn't refuse a conversation of Dan's did you? You readily said, "Send it!" You loved the idea of seeing the inner world of his and use it for your own power. You wewre trying to find another reason to hate him and call him your special word for people you can't wrap your ego around, "crazy." You wanted a conversation when you weren't here when he was bashing you saying that you didn't even go to the concerts and didn't like or know any of the bands that come to Atlanta.

Realistically Holly, I grow tired of sharpening icepicks for each other on this forum. If I am not welcome to "troll" (tell the truth) then that is in BoB's hands then, because I'm done here. Oh and BoB I haven't insulted you unless by default with these other goons.
Whatever happened and whatever I apparently did at the time, the fact remains that I never fucking threw his personal problems in his face. And especially not that. I'm easily the most vengeful person I know, but I have my own problems and I understand his to an extent. No matter how much I hate someone, there's no reason at all to throw something that they can't help in their face.

I'll go for my fair share of drama, anyone who fucking knows me can tell you that, so it's not like you're making any big revelations here.

You were probably sending him your conversations with me, too, so who the fuck does that really implicate? YOU.

He knew that I was talking shit about him and I knew that he was talking shit about me, so what you're trying to do here is pointless.

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Post by DarkWolfen » Thu May 5th, 2005, 12:48 am

Nope, I didn't send him shit, because after awhile my agenda was to get you into power of the show and oust Dan from the show. He told me to go to the GM about what you do, to fluff up his ego and image, whilst you were telling me to do the same thing. But I didn't want to do anything to help that little shit. But that didn't work, he is still there, so more power to him. :roll:

Oh and Dan the argument with the chickenhawk paul was how you pronounce Opeth's singer's name. You were right, it was Ok-er-fel-dt. :shock: :lol:
holly wrote:You were probably sending him your conversations with me, too, so who the fuck does that really implicate? YOU.

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