i think i'm going to start THE SOULS UNREST again!

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AtlantaMetal Staff
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i think i'm going to start THE SOULS UNREST again!

Post by BlazeTSU » Wed March 23rd, 2005, 1:15 am

i was just playing and i've been on a creative kick for the past few weeks so i think i'm going to start doing TSU once again. Probably just a studio thing for a while b/c i don't know of the right people that are available to participate in it with me. i'm going to see if lee has some time to do some drum tracks for me and i'll probably do everything else myself like i did on our last demo. actually lee and i have talked about putting some money up and releasing everything TSU recorded and did nothing with. maybe we can do that and add 4 or 5 tracks to it.

not that anyone cares, just thought i would share my idea! plus if lee isn't able to help i'll probably try to hit some of you guys up to help me with various things

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Post by bid » Wed March 23rd, 2005, 1:41 pm

YEA!!!! Souls Unrest! Souls Unrest! Souls Unrest!

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