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Post by Greg » Sun August 20th, 2006, 5:41 pm

Based on recent events in this thread, I figured I'd start a topic here just to see what happens.

Let me preface this by saying that I like black metal. I like the sound and the style and have played a good bit of it on the show in my time, and bands lke Emperor, Immortal and old Dissection are among my favorites. Lyrically I got bored with the whole FUCK CHRIST thing a long time ago, but luckily I can't understand a goddamn thing most black metal bands screech about in the first place so it's not an issue.

However, I find it absolutely hilarious that to this day there are people out there who think burning down churches because a black metal band told them so or playing with severed animal body parts or making threats on the internet to christian bands (see thread above) is somehow cool or remotely relevant to anything anymore. We get it already that you want to sodomize jesus christ with a whiffle ball bat. We get it already that you're oh so spooky and creepy and you want to live by yourself in the forest and write erotic D&D fanfiction. Put all the effort you spend playing with your My First Black Metal® makeup kit and stitching together railroad spikes onto your old soccer shinguards into making some decent music please? That whole fad passed a long, long time ago.

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Post by Ecrypt » Sun August 20th, 2006, 6:50 pm

AMEN to that Rev. Greg!

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Post by BlazeTSU » Sun August 20th, 2006, 9:11 pm

i'm all for believing in something and sticking to your guns but threats are retarded. especially in atlanta where i've played metal for years and never hid what i believed in. i've never tried to force people to believe what i believe and i have good friendships with most everyone in the metal scene here.

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Post by Pat » Sun August 20th, 2006, 10:03 pm


I'll start by saying that I really enjoy death metal. I like the sound and style and there are some really great bands like Cryptopsy, Gutrot, Necrophagist, Cannibal Corpse, Psycroptic and many more. Lyrically I get bored with the whole chop up bodies, have sex with them and eat them thing a long time ago, but since they growl, most of the time it is unitelligible.

Yet I find it funny that there is only talk and not one of those guys who sing about that stuff has done anything more than just watch Dawn of the Dead. We get it already that you like exposed internal organs, but its so played out and done 1000 times before. We get it that you don't like to shower and like talking about necrophilia. Put all the effort in that you spend ripping of Cannibal Corpse and watching horror movies and maybe spend more than 5 minutes writing a full CD's worth of lyrics and write good music. That whole eating bodies fad died a long time ago.

There is your post substitued with death metal. In fact I'm pretty much sure I could write a similar thing for just about every other type of music out there. Your point is stupid. Big fucking deal if somebody hates Christianity. Why does it matter to you? I like black and death metal and I don't give a fuck what people have to say about it. Obviously I prefer black metal, but so what if I want to listen to Gutrot or something. If you are so sick of it, then well the obvious solution is to not listen to it. I like black metal the most but why the hell should I give a shit if you like death metal?

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Post by Mike » Sun August 20th, 2006, 11:17 pm


I'll start by saying that I really enjoy death metal. I like the sound and style and there are some really great bands like Cryptopsy, Gutrot, Necrophagist, Cannibal Corpse, Psycroptic and many more. Lyrically I get bored with the whole chop up bodies, have sex with them and eat them thing a long time ago, but since they growl, most of the time it is unitelligible.

Yet I find it funny that there is only talk and not one of those guys who sing about that stuff has done anything more than just watch Dawn of the Dead. We get it already that you like exposed internal organs, but its so played out and done 1000 times before. We get it that you don't like to shower and like talking about necrophilia. Put all the effort in that you spend ripping of Cannibal Corpse and watching horror movies and maybe spend more than 5 minutes writing a full CD's worth of lyrics and write good music. That whole eating bodies fad died a long time ago.

There is your post substitued with death metal. In fact I'm pretty much sure I could write a similar thing for just about every other type of music out there. Your point is stupid. Big fucking deal if somebody hates Christianity. Why does it matter to you? I like black and death metal and I don't give a fuck what people have to say about it. Obviously I prefer black metal, but so what if I want to listen to Gutrot or something. If you are so sick of it, then well the obvious solution is to not listen to it. I like black metal the most but why the hell should I give a shit if you like death metal?
I believe his point was that the followers of Black Metal are idiotic, not the fact that they hate Christianity. They basically become Black Metal versions of Southern Baptists.

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Post by Greg » Sun August 20th, 2006, 11:32 pm

Maybe if you'd bothered reading what I said rather than trying to make a lame ass parody you'd see the point I was making. I'm not "sick of black metal" at all. This isn't about liking death metal over black metal or vice versa. This is about the moron in the other thread making the whole "watch your back" statement when it's painfully obvious that they aren't gonna do a damn thing to anybody other than maybe gripe about other bands going out and doing their thing at their next necro face painting slumber party.

The whole lifestyle associated with black metal, about having to supposedly back up what you're singing about through acting (and looking) monumentally stupid, is more retarded than ten Special Olympics. Just saying you hate christianity isn't what I don't like. I have absolutely no problem with that point of view as you have the freedom to think that all you want. It's the whole supposed ethos behind black metal bands, and more specifically their followers, that if they aren't out there attaining KVLT status through burning down churches or wielding various farming tools as weapons or other ridiculous actions then somehow it's all for naught that I don't like and have never liked.

I'm sure burning down a church isn't on your to-do list any time soon, and I applaud you for that and am glad you aren't stupid enough to join the herd mentality and think that's something worth doing. It's the idiots who can't see that and literally think that is an acceptable course of action to gain favor with their black metal heroes that I have a problem with. Luckily they're few and far between, but every time I hear about something along those lines happening I can't help but laugh at how fucking stupid people can be to let themselves fall into that trap.

...and I agree wholeheartedly with your anti-lyrical stance about death metal too actually. The lyrical content of a band and its music is the least important thing to me, be it black metal or death metal or otherwise. I've never listened to any kind of music for a message or gave a damn what the lyrics were. Lyrics in metal are generally stupid or pretentious or both. To me the singer in a metal band is just another instrument making noise.

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Post by donny » Mon August 21st, 2006, 3:19 am

I like black metal . I dont like christian metal or christianity of any kind . I dont care if members worship the hippy or not thats their business . But so called threats are fucking lame . And that was the whole point

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Post by Matt » Sat August 26th, 2006, 6:59 am

i used to like black metal more than i do now, i still can tolerate a little, but honestly..... both black and death have equally repetative lyrical patterns, black metal worshipping darkness and the antichrist and winter howling moons, and death metal bands with gore, perversity, etc....

its all repetative!!! i like death metal better!! so fuck off!!!! NGBM!!!!

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Post by BoB » Sat August 26th, 2006, 8:34 am

Matt wrote:i used to like black metal more than i do now, i still can tolerate a little, but honestly..... both black and death have equally repetative lyrical patterns, black metal worshipping darkness and the antichrist and winter howling moons, and death metal bands with gore, perversity, etc....

its all repetative!!! i like death metal better!! so fuck off!!!! NGBM!!!!
true enough. Thrash is robust enough to allow lyrics about drinking, fucking, politics, school, drugs, car racing, science, insanity, conspiracies, fish, world domination, money, retards, crime, the environment, prostitution, milk, guns as well as anything that genres like death and BM cover.

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Post by Asrynth » Sat August 26th, 2006, 10:38 am

I think its kind of obvious that death metal has alot more versatile lyrical themes. I mean, Pat you stated a few bands, cryptopsy gutrot that follow the gore theme, and Necrophagist's first album does too. But you also mentioned Psycroptic who focuses solely on science fiction lyrical themes and the new Necrophagist cd which is more philisophically oriented. I know you were just saying that as bands you like but whatever. I think Death Metal is a more versatile genere lyrically, but that doesnt mean I hate on black metal, I realy dont like much BM at all, But I do think some songs are cool like Transylvanian Hunger and stuff. I dont see what all the ruckus is about BM v. DM if its about that guy who posted the threat on the "HOLY" thread, I will agree those threats are pretty outrageous and unecessary, if he was trying to make fun of black metal I would think differently, but after reading his posts it seems he was genuine in what he said and I cant condemn him for that. If this isnt about that thread, and is about some people angry because BM likes to sing about satan and what not, get over it, its been that way for quite a while and isnt going to change. Live and let Live! Who gives a fuck what people like, we all like to divide it up, but in the end its all METAL, and METAL is a awesome thing!

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Post by BlazeTSU » Sat August 26th, 2006, 12:16 pm

Asrynth wrote:Live and let Live! Who gives a fuck what people like, we all like to divide it up, but in the end its all METAL, and METAL is a awesome thing!
well said

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Post by Greg » Sun August 27th, 2006, 1:48 am

I started this topic purely to get a rise out of the "HEY WATCH YOUR BACK HURRRRRRRRR" guy from the Holy topic.

The thread title was a lame attempt at a joke (because as stated earlier few people on this board are as big a fan of black metal as me), and seeing as that guy doesn't want to post here anymore it looks like this thread will eventually be relegated to one more smelly ass turd in the toilet.

I totally agree with Asrynth's sentiments - metal is metal regardless of how retarded the fans of a particular genre may be. I just thought it would be funny to call out the "watch your back" guy from the other topic, little did I know he'd revert to fucking himself in the ass with the tail he put between his legs when running away from here. I didn't realize it was that big a tail!

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Post by soulvoid » Sun August 27th, 2006, 7:48 am

I like some black metal, both most of the TRUE black to me sounds like a cat in a blender. I don't hear any talent in alot of it , intentionally shooting for a RAW horrible recording to me , makes it appear as though they can't play their way out of a paper bag. I like the use of keyboards and female vocals etc...

As for death metal, I still prefer death metal over black. However I guess I am getting old because the death metal I still find myself listening to is old school , back when death had a mosh feel to it , and didn't play at light speed. I mean sure playing ultra fast makes them sound amazing from a (WHOA , Holy Shit) kinda angle. But lets ask the question, do half of us really remember a riff and melody from this new form? I miss the days of old. I love the feeling of opening a Morbid Angel release , always knowing it would be a great CD and I would remember half of it. Same thing with even Deicide (tired of them now) you would hear the mosh and roll effect like the first 3 CD's. I miss feeling like I could growl along with them and still understand them. You guys all remember how awesome some of the early stuff was??? I can't be the only one , remembering how exciting it was in the early 90's? Today everything coming out sounds so much the same....HYPER SPEED DEATH

Just in case there are some newbies to death metal here in the forums, I will state some of the earlier bands I am referring to.
The obvious: Morbid Angel, Cannibal Corpse , Deicide , Obituary , Death , Napalm Death , Suffocation

Some of the not so obvious for a newbie: Acheron (Old School all the way), Numskull , Pestilence , Malevolent Creation , Cancer , Carnage , Dismember , Entombed , Sickness , Athiest

There are so many great old bands out there , I have been using Soulseek to find alot of them because some or most are out of print.

Plus if you factor in my love for thrash .....there are way to many to mention...but just a few: Razor , Destruction , Helloween , Death Angel , Dark Angel , The Great Kat (guitar Only)

And I wish we could get a podcast of Bob's Karnal Korner in it's prime.

Anyhow , I have rambled enough...

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Post by Blarg! » Tue January 16th, 2007, 1:23 am

sorry for posting on dead topic. but yeah.Black metal needs to go back to the music and not the politics

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Post by Metalfreak » Tue January 16th, 2007, 10:58 am

Blarg! wrote:sorry for posting on dead topic. but yeah.Black metal needs to go back to the music and not the politics
I usually don't like politics in music in general but if the song sounds good then I don't really care. I love black metal....though it can get really cheesy with the lyrics.
They had you do a drug test and the forgot to test for drugs???

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