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Dark One
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Post by Dark One » Wed November 23rd, 2005, 11:31 am

This is a Pubic Service Message for the Underground

Greetings kids,
I just received this email thru MySpace from the EMERGENZA Coordinators, and find it SAD, and dis-heartning that soooo many band have fallen for this SCAM yet again. I have asked repeatedly to be removed for their lists, yet they PERSIST because they still Need 840 slots to book for their annual "International (Rip-Off) Festival".


---- Original Message ----

Hello insert band name here

Chelsea from Emergenza Festival Here. As you may know, Helena and I are part of the team in charge of assigning slots for the FLORIDA part of the Emergenza International music festival to bands.

Just wanted to thank insert band name here for the interest and the resulting buzz :-))

We already booked 2850 bands across US so far and just 840 spots left to book, few of them are open in FLORIDA. The first gigs will start in November, the remaining available slot are in January and February. 4 US bands will then be flown to Germany for the contest's international final.

So...it's my pleasure to invite you to come see a show (free of charge of course) and support local musicians. Give myself or my colleagues a buzz at 1-888-BIG-SCAM or just go to www.bigscam.net and insert you name to automatically download your free ticket (I can only provide one free ticket for you guys of insert band name here... sorry!)

If you've already contacted Helena, you may have already a slot assigned for your band.
If you don't, there must be a good reason for it so at least come see the show!!!! :-))))

If you and your band are still interested or you know some good original bands that would like to take part in the festival contact me as soon as possible (again my number is 1-888-BIG SCAM or go to www.bigscam.net, insert your info and I will call you back).

Anyway, I would like to keep in touch with you and other local musicians so that we may support each other. Please take advantage of the free ticket and go see a show... if interest in the local music scene doesn't start with musicians, who else will support up and coming bands?

By the way, I'm also helping with the selection of tracks from US bands which will be broadcast on the Emergenza Radio. If you have some demos/cd and you want to submit the songs, e-mail me.

Take care and let me know if there is anything I can help insert band name here with.

---- How Do I Know??? ----

I went through the experience last year, and (my band) 5BD wound up pulling out of the competition before we ever played. Basically, we were not willing to compromise the integrity of our band, or our fans by giving them anything less that the BEST show we could, and we just wouldn't have been able to do that by participating in this "International Competition".

Basically, each band is required to put up a $70 "entry fee" to help the "cover advertising expenses". That doesn't sound to bad for bands that are looking for exposure, and IF they say your name on the radio it may be worth it right? After all they have a sweet website with tons of sponsors and the winner of the competition gets a tour, and a ton of cool stuff right?

The first round of competition puts 8 bands of all different styles on a stage with a provided backline. This is where we had a problem. Our sound can not be duplicated by CRATE Blue VooDoo half stacks, and a Mid-level Mapex drum set, just not going to happen. We just wanted to use our racks / heads, and they wouldn't allow it.

That and the fact that they want the bands to ask their fans to shell out $10 to see them perform for 4 SONGS! The way the bands advance to the next round is by a 'Show of hands' after their sets, so the only way to advance is to have your fans attend the show. During the second round the fans are asked to pay $15 admission to send 1 band out of 8 to the next round after that. The bands are still playing for FREE, and are actually still -$70. Do the Math, EMERGENZA makes FAT CASH hand-over-fist!!!

Bottom line is that these "Battle of the Bands" competitions, are detrimental to the scene, the fans, the scene as a whole, and should NOT be supported. This one takes place in 150 different cities where there are tons of bands hungry for a "Big Break". With 100 bands eagerly participating in each of the 150 cities, do the math and figure out who the big winners are...

No disrespect to any of the bands that participated, or who will participate this year, but as someone who went through the experience, I consider it a lesson learned, and will not be making the same mistake again.

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E.J. Diarrheaspray
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Post by E.J. Diarrheaspray » Wed November 23rd, 2005, 6:10 pm

Yeah, I got that form letter disguised as a booking invitation. It seemed WAY too good to be true, and much more like a rip off.

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Post by diablomozart » Sat November 26th, 2005, 6:18 pm

oh yeah...devane got one...actually they keep trying to send us stuff...the funny thing is i have a studio project called Torquestra that is not actually a band...and even it got invitations to "play gigs"...lol...shows they don't do their homework...d.m.

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Post by palace101 » Sat November 26th, 2005, 7:28 pm

Yea, Palace of the Fallen is doing it this year. We paid the $70 and we got the tix we are suppose to sell. I know all these "Battle of the bands" are usually rigged and the winner has already been chosen, kinda like American Idol and Star Search. We are just going to do it to see what happens at the worst we lose $70 at the best we win. So, it's worth the time. Then again, this is my first EMERGENZA and it might totally blow. We Shall see.

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Post by stalindrummer » Sun November 27th, 2005, 12:32 am

I smell a scam!!! :shock:

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Post by palace101 » Sun November 27th, 2005, 12:56 am

sounds like it! :?

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