Some hacked the government and found out about aliens

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Post by NeuroNomicon » Fri April 28th, 2006, 1:39 pm

...I heard about this guy a while back. He also found an entire fleet of Naval ships that are not in the Navy's inventory, as well as list entitled: "Non-Terrestrial Officers".

I know that part of the Air Force Combat Control's mission statement is to defend US interests be them in land, sea, air, or space[/i].

Also, what do you think they're SHUTTLING up in the space SHUTTLE? Hmmm? If you think your billions in tax dollars are going to fly people around and play with petri dishes you're kidding yourself.

Space-Based Weapons Platforms, my good man. Part of this is the theme of Neuronomicon, but that is neither here nor there. The fact remains, space is not being developed for peaceful purposes. And the only research being conducted is research in to air and space superiority as well as dominance in a military theatre. The only thing the United States is number one in right now is military. Not education. Not wealth. Not standard of living. Not even unemployment rates. We're number-fucking-one with a bullet.

A lot of the "UFO's" out there are next, NEXT, generation military hardware. There were a couple of dudes, Nikola Tesla and T. Townsend Brown who developed advanced technologies that are, to this day, beyond the sphere of the civilian domain. These men's records, and files were confiscated by the FBI, and held for "who knows what" purposes. By maintaining a backlog of hyper-advanced technology, the corporate-facists have ensured that their financial asses are covered through the slow dissemination of technological resources. Financially speaking, it makes more sense to discover a room-temerature superconductor, and then work "backwards" releasing slow updates to computing processing power, slowly reaching the point of superconductivity. Otherwise, there would be nowhere to go for the patent-holders. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a patent held for a room-temp superconductive material.

Also, on the UFO front, a lot of the information is released as "fiction" so that the information, or quite possibly "dis" information is released according to an agenda.

The technology to simulate UFO's and aliens are well within the capabilities of modern science. Take for example, a rather frightening quote when you consider its source:

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.... Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do."

Ben Rich, former Head of the Lockheed Skunk Works

Frightening, indeed, as he is quite correct.

Whew, was that ever long-winded or what??

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Post by TheKshatriya » Fri April 28th, 2006, 2:18 pm

I just hope there are aliens

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Post by frankinzombie666 » Fri April 28th, 2006, 2:40 pm

kinda off subject, but there have been some weird fucked up looking planes flying over my house at like 4:00am :shock:
Dont fucking look at me.

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Re: Interesting...

Post by Mike » Fri April 28th, 2006, 4:41 pm

NeuroNomicon wrote:...I heard about this guy a while back. He also found an entire fleet of Naval ships that are not in the Navy's inventory, as well as list entitled: "Non-Terrestrial Officers".

I know that part of the Air Force Combat Control's mission statement is to defend US interests be them in land, sea, air, or space[/i].

Also, what do you think they're SHUTTLING up in the space SHUTTLE? Hmmm? If you think your billions in tax dollars are going to fly people around and play with petri dishes you're kidding yourself.

Space-Based Weapons Platforms, my good man. Part of this is the theme of Neuronomicon, but that is neither here nor there. The fact remains, space is not being developed for peaceful purposes. And the only research being conducted is research in to air and space superiority as well as dominance in a military theatre. The only thing the United States is number one in right now is military. Not education. Not wealth. Not standard of living. Not even unemployment rates. We're number-fucking-one with a bullet.

A lot of the "UFO's" out there are next, NEXT, generation military hardware. There were a couple of dudes, Nikola Tesla and T. Townsend Brown who developed advanced technologies that are, to this day, beyond the sphere of the civilian domain. These men's records, and files were confiscated by the FBI, and held for "who knows what" purposes. By maintaining a backlog of hyper-advanced technology, the corporate-facists have ensured that their financial asses are covered through the slow dissemination of technological resources. Financially speaking, it makes more sense to discover a room-temerature superconductor, and then work "backwards" releasing slow updates to computing processing power, slowly reaching the point of superconductivity. Otherwise, there would be nowhere to go for the patent-holders. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a patent held for a room-temp superconductive material.

Also, on the UFO front, a lot of the information is released as "fiction" so that the information, or quite possibly "dis" information is released according to an agenda.

The technology to simulate UFO's and aliens are well within the capabilities of modern science. Take for example, a rather frightening quote when you consider its source:

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.... Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do."

Ben Rich, former Head of the Lockheed Skunk Works

Frightening, indeed, as he is quite correct.

Whew, was that ever long-winded or what??

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The gentleman in the picture...

Post by NeuroNomicon » Fri April 28th, 2006, 4:56 pm wearing an "AntiNeuronomicon-Device". It prevents "Them" from peering into your mind.

Research Jose Delgado, Dr. Ewen Cameron, Sidney Gottleib(German for God-Lover), Electronic-Dissolution of Memory(EDOM), Cognitive Dissonance(not to be confused with Ion Dissonance), Projects: MONARCH; ARTICHOKE; MKULTRA; ULF/ELF "non-lethal" weaponry, Stimoceiver, Radio-Hypnotic-Intracerebral-Control(RHIC), Dr. Louis Joylan West, et al.

I could go on, but I doubt it would matter. It's all highly arousing, in concern with certain aspects of society as well as the, quite frighteningly prophetic, "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" document.

Any book by Jim Keith is well written, relatively objective, and quite provocative. Peep it!

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Post by frankinzombie666 » Fri April 28th, 2006, 5:13 pm

Dont fucking look at me.

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Re: The gentleman in the picture...

Post by Mike » Fri April 28th, 2006, 6:35 pm

NeuroNomicon wearing an "AntiNeuronomicon-Device". It prevents "Them" from peering into your mind.

Research Jose Delgado, Dr. Ewen Cameron, Sidney Gottleib(German for God-Lover), Electronic-Dissolution of Memory(EDOM), Cognitive Dissonance(not to be confused with Ion Dissonance), Projects: MONARCH; ARTICHOKE; MKULTRA; ULF/ELF "non-lethal" weaponry, Stimoceiver, Radio-Hypnotic-Intracerebral-Control(RHIC), Dr. Louis Joylan West, et al.

I could go on, but I doubt it would matter. It's all highly arousing, in concern with certain aspects of society as well as the, quite frighteningly prophetic, "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars" document.

Any book by Jim Keith is well written, relatively objective, and quite provocative. Peep it!
Research to the contrary

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Post by WREKage-Paul » Mon May 8th, 2006, 12:28 pm

"The gravest threat to America today not AIDS.
It is not overpopulation, nor is it pollution.
It is not the Republicans, nor is it the Democrats, though to be sure both can be part of it.
It is not crime, nor is it drugs, smoking, gay pride, regional rivalries, states' rights, black power, white power, or purple-and- chartreuse power.
The greatest threat to America wasn't even the Soviets, nor is it the Communist Chinese, nor was it Saddam Hussein, nor evil space aliens intent on taking over the world.
No, the gravest threat we face is something far more insidious: The Great Dumbing Down of America."

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Post by doom zombi chick » Mon May 8th, 2006, 8:44 pm

WREKage-Paul wrote:"The gravest threat to America today not AIDS.
It is not overpopulation, nor is it pollution.
It is not the Republicans, nor is it the Democrats, though to be sure both can be part of it.
It is not crime, nor is it drugs, smoking, gay pride, regional rivalries, states' rights, black power, white power, or purple-and- chartreuse power.
The greatest threat to America wasn't even the Soviets, nor is it the Communist Chinese, nor was it Saddam Hussein, nor evil space aliens intent on taking over the world.
No, the gravest threat we face is something far more insidious: The Great Dumbing Down of America."
Damn Paul you nailed it right on the head. One of my biggest complaints, its so the corporate facist NWO can make everyone sheep slaves.

Also, tin foil conducts so if you wear a tinfoil hat, you are powering up the transmissions not defeating them.....I read that awhile back. haha.

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Post by Matt » Mon May 8th, 2006, 10:56 pm

i like iron maiden

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Doom Zombi Chick

Post by NeuroNomicon » Tue May 9th, 2006, 8:49 am

The previous posts are slightly tongue-in-cheek, to say the least. That being said, if you think that big business is not running the show, the only person you're fooling is yourself.

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Post by necroodin » Tue May 9th, 2006, 2:22 pm

Excellent thread.

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Re: Doom Zombi Chick

Post by WREKage-Paul » Tue May 9th, 2006, 11:45 pm

NeuroNomicon wrote:The previous posts are slightly tongue-in-cheek, to say the least. That being said, if you think that big business is not running the show, the only person you're fooling is yourself.

Who would you rather be in charge? People who actually know how to run something, or people who don't have a fuckin' clue?

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The desire for power...

Post by NeuroNomicon » Tue May 30th, 2006, 8:30 pm

...our leaders have done a fantastic job losing two wars, letting a majour metropolitan city implode, being negligent enough for September 11th to happen on THEIR watch, and to tank the US economy. Not only that, big business has seen to it we're still reliant on automobiles, that our rail system is an international joke, and that our all our outsourcing and market-shifting has left the backbone and infrastructure of this country's manufacturing in a cesspool of ruin.

If you are terribly naive enough to believe those in positions of power have your best interests at heart, then you deserve the very best government money can buy.

As for big business running the show, by your arguments Clear Channel is run by people who know what they're doing, and WREKage is clueless.


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