Exodus/Municipal Waste - 3/10

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Exodus/Municipal Waste - 3/10

Post by Brian » Fri January 12th, 2018, 8:08 am


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Re: Exodus/Municipal Waste - 3/10

Post by Azrael » Sun March 11th, 2018, 9:35 am

This was in the new Hell. Which is fucking stupid small. It was supposed to be in heaven so to say it was over packed is an understatement. I was having panic attacks the whole show. Not to mention it was like a god damn gigantic dude convention. Literally half the crowd was 6'4" 300lbs dudes. I don't think I could see more than one band member at a time at any given point the entire show. Even going for free it was barely worth it. BUT I did pass out flyers old school style for the M.A. / Luicidal show and saw one of the craziest things I've ever seen: Tony the singer of MW said "first person to stage dive off the balcony gets a free MW skateboard!" and three people jumped OFF the god damn balcony into the crowd. There was about 29 crowd surfs. It weird for me because I know some of thos eguys and have for years so they arent like some huge band in my mind but theyre amazing live after all this time. Hands down my favorite active band and has been since that MW / Iron Lung show at Drunken Unicorn a decade ago.

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